Thursday, September 08, 2005

Ah well, this thing does work actually. Have been sweating out the past useless minutes trying to kill the purpose-less-ness with some sort of creative end product. Blah, but for all i managed was to get entangled within the thorughly perplexing maze of "How the f*@# does one post a BLOG?"!
Anyways, now that i am here, i have surely forgotten any and all "creative" outputs i was s'posed to unleash through this medium, for the while.
Gah, i am employed now ... and i should be working, but welll the defintion takes on a completely different meaning when i put myself into perspective. This is a multi-million (and soon you could replace the "m" with a "b") company. Revenues are rolling in, employee/r(s) are more than happy for their share of monetary grub coming in. Though what puts me into sheer amazement is the way i'm surviving myself out here. No! i am not at the receiving end of some conglomeraterial conspiracy here. No racist oppression and neither any sort of sexual (sigh) mish-mash. I am just here. Coming in each day in the morning (considering the sun shines relatively bright at 10am) and going back in the evening. For companionship i've got this remarkable feat of engineering, namely a workstation. Ahh, there are the "others" too! Their presence being transmitted through the mazes of networking cables and finally showing up in the form of a "messenger" window. In this world of Artificial (not-so-) Intelligence, it's kind of ironic when a piece of software oozes the "human-touch". Either through the purpose served by it or the sobriquet carried by it. A "messenger" in the present context of my reference. Anyways, it is not the pervasiveness of this "Computers-and-not-dogs-are-a-mans-best-friend" situation that bothers me. It is the "nothingness". I mean, yeah what the hell , i was forewarned wasn't I ?? But then i was an under-graduate student, all hip, dreamy-floating-mind. The not-so-yet-so "beat" generation. Self-preservation was but an incredibly simple task which all the gainfully employed masses around seemed to be losing out on. We were to be the beacons, who showed them the way and spread thee Light! hehe ..... naaahh, wasn't really soo dramatic, but well, a much toned down version and you're almost there.
And so I stepped into this world brimming (and shimmering perhaps) with all the enthusiasm of anti-establishmentarianism......
.....Err, i've got to run now (i'll miss my bus, my only means of travel, otherwise :/ )

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