Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Sigh, and I so don't quite remember how to carry forward from wherever i left the last piece. But well, i guess to have everything linked and following a rational flow takes away the delight from an already semi-charmed life.
No, it wasn't always like this (and yeah! i'm pretty sure it wouldnt be like this for long). Er, no am not in a depression thingie (which happens to be quite a "hip" state to exist in these days). You could say, (like i watched on one of them Hollywood flicks), I am into a premature-mid-life-crisis (this is where the anti-hero passes an insouciant look and says, "Get a life pig-head"). Sigh. That, i fear, is going to take time. Reclaim your life. Quite a catchy phrase but surely carries a certain ring of truth about it. Without delving into the unfathomable profundity of issues like "LIFE", i shall conveniently tread the desultory lines of free-speech-association.
Oh and the crisis now that i remember. Umm, weeellll I am freaking ambitious with an attitude to do nothing about it. Ya ya, you know where i'm driving at. Not the first to be saying all this, but not the last either. However, I apparently struck on a more justifying explanation for all this. It basically boils down to making a choice between "Have i under-estimated myself as opposed to Am i f***ing over-estimated by those around, so much so that they fail to realise i am not all that!". Save all the nods for some better cause to agree to, 'coz once you are there, i can assure you there's not much fun in it ;p

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