Tuesday, October 11, 2005

An Ode to Joy

And so another weekend comes to an end. Must admit today being a tuesday, it's rather late to realise the end of a weekend. But then, this wasn't one of the usuals. And frankly speaking, a weeekend for me is the state of mind wherein I know that I dont have to wake up next morning for office and I could just laze around and not-do anything of much significance (Not that I do otherwise anyhow ;)). This weekend two of my best friends (I prefer referring to them as brothers though), dropped into my city to spend some much needed quality time with the not-so stable brother of theirs.
And today only, when asked as to what all we did, I couldn't think of anything we did except "nothing". It feels so good these days to simply drift through the hours of a day and not have much of a recollection, except for a blurred acknowledgement of events which might/must have happened.
So that was what it was, a span of three days spent amongst individuals who could really elevate my sense of existence. Unfortunately, our trip down to the pub wasn't fruitful(the pub being full :(), however simple acts of strolling down roads smoking cigarettes, telling tales of our lives in general, watching movies, were in themselves as wonderful as wonderful could be.
At this point I would like to digress. Watched the movies Red Eye and Sin City. The former being what could be expected of a decent Hollywood action flick while the latter was a class in itself. A must watch for slick-flicks.
With that came the end of the weekend. A weekend which ended on Monday.

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