Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Things Change huhn?

Jeez, people change, mindsets change, relationships come and go, and even the Blogspot changes to Blogger. Change sure seems to be the constant force to reckon, I s'pose. And so after a long period I decide to write a piece of my mind. Why I do so, I really can't be sure. Perhaps the reason lies in the fact as to why people would write in the first place. Most of the folks I've seen around, write 'coz it gives them a sense of upliftment from their daily monotonous chores, some write with the hope that their writings get due (or undue, for that matter) attention. And when those who write for upliftment and those who write for gratification fail, their posts become progressively short and then they just stop. As for me, I guess, both of the factors held good. And both of the factors let me down eventually. Now I won't go as far as to say that I tried too hard to achieve success either way. No Sir, I did not! I simply scribbled a few thoughts here and a few insignificant lines there, but on the whole I was more or less "just-figuring-out".

So what's different now, I hear you say. I guess nothing. But obviously I expect to write about something different, in a manner that is different and possibly for a period which is longer. How things unfold is at best left unthought of.

I am still bidding my time here at the same organization. Slowly and steadily getting institutionalized by the whole psyche. A psyche against which I have long tried to find a rationale. As of now, I still think there's something wrong with the psyche, but what I wouldn't mind admitting is that perhaps there's a simple conflict between my perspective and this psyche I speak of. How much I've learnt during my time here is for others to see. I think there's much change in me. Afterall change is quite the inevitable force right? However, what I wonder is how much of the change does my day-to-day manner of existing truly reflect? Guess, not much. That might actually be good for it probably gives me a completely different plane to exist on. No, I'm not in any way trying to manipulate people by misleading them about me. I simply choose to let them believe what they want to. Keeps both sides happy that ways.

I write computer codes for a living. I write codes in a company where the Principle of Profit Maximization claims that "coding" has but the most insignificant contribution to the realization of profits. And yet, that's the one thing I find as a chief reason affecting the lives of the people working here. Those who code hard, get the same money, and those who code really bad (increase the work for others), and still earn the same money. The company has, obviously, many alternatives to plug the gaping hole, which the sub-standard level of coding amongst most of its employees has exposed it to. The question is: How long can they afford to do so? The country, surely doesn't seem to be in the same hapless scenario it used to be in. It's surely getting a lot of attention these days (and seems to make a lot out of it), so it wouldn't really be incorrect to think that the mindset of people will also change. Getting just a job is no longer "the" thing. Sure it used to be, but some day, people will ask for what is rightfully theirs by virtue of the effort they contribute to a system. Generalization of the masses WILL be relegated to the back seats and then I wonder where I'll be.

Hmm, inasmuch as I didn't want this post to be a socio-economic digression, I seem to have wandered pretty much in that direction only. I DO NOT intend to write for such a cause. I want to write something, which perhaps many years from now, I would like to read as the rantings of a 20 year-old-something. I want to write about the people I meet and talk with, and possibly myself. So long, better luck next time!