Friday, May 04, 2007

tHe oTher sIde

So well, how important is it to be different? Is it that important that one would chase the emptiness of being something ridiculously "different"? But then, one could also think, not being different will simply beget a lifeless-ordinary drill. Maybe that one try at being different could very well separate the happy ones from the despairing ones; many years down the line from the moment they thought of it first. It's not really that hard once you achieve a certain degree of disconnect and then look to make the difference. A disconnect which in the present World, the present context, just seems to be such an impossibility. Ohh it gets to be hard. Really hard. People have a weird effect on others. They are always so likeable. Not that I wish to insinuate or hint towards any sort of hatred for humanity. It's just that, people as a whole seem such a convoluted lot. But why wish so much for simplicity and straight-forwardness? This chaos can be thoroughly enjoyable albeit with some care to keep just *that* much away from the chaos.
I have finally joined a new company. A start-up if you like. A nice thing they've got started here. However, the accumulated inertia of "nothing" over nearly 3 years is indeed proving to be quite hard to shrug off. This one's called Taxila Labs. I wonder, when I'll re-read this post some years in the future, what would have been of this company. So far, just being in it has driven me through a flux of self-belief and self-doubt. Wouldn't go as far as to say that I'm out of the flux as yet. I might have thought it to be just a bit easier than this. Wishful thinking always jeopardizes in a small or big way. So far, I'd call it small only. Whatever I wrote on top was in some way inspired by all this, I think. Man, I've got to start with the applications of various schools of Management education. I suddenly don't feel like doing it. The cyclicity of this feeling is getting rather boring. I might as well get over and done with it. Then maybe, I'll have one less thing to worry about. Inspite of it all, I liked the week I had, thinking back on this Friday evening. Driving to meet and having my frappe with a wonderful person. It's been a good week. Amen!

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