Monday, November 28, 2005

Who's Left to Hate?

As Eddie screams the last few lines to the much famed song "Jeremy", I can't help but reflect upon the message that has often been the focal point of pointless aimless thought chains. A teenage boy, viciously entangled in his own World of deception, negligence, abuse(?), finally seeks redemption. And as the guitars blazed to take the climax to an entirely different level, Jeremy finally gets what he seeks. But was there any other way? Jeremy, is but an allusion to the thousands if not millions of souls who lead themselves down the dark alleys of an angst ridden World. Vindictiveness/revenge/hatred is as much a fallout of the failures of society to accomodate an individual as is the individuals' refusal to relent. A sort of evil-symbiotic phenomena where each of the forces rally for the single ended purpose of creating another Lost Soul. And when the task's (un)done, there's the media and society at large which dissect and finally ask themselves "What went wrong??". Only to find the answers and embark on yet another renewed chain of similar unfortunate events.
Even now it's not too hard to feel the strong under-current of spiteful sentiments brought about as a result of collective misinterpretations. After numerous Jeremys, I can only but draw the conclusion that humanity in itself is quite an unrelenting race. It's either our way or the highway!. You live to enjoy depending on which side of "our" you exist. I would like to believe there is hope but that's not much, I fear. Either a lot of people suffer from superiority complex or inferiority complex, it doesn't really make much of a difference. The end result remains much the same. Every moment an individual or a group of people are being ostracized for not conforming to the principles of the greater mass of others. It reminds me of the story which one of my Professors had narrated in which he went on to highlight that it all ends up being the question as to whether or not the group of people you are accepted by, are in greater number or not! The forces existing in society are by and large couteracting against each other to create an uglier World. Starting right from the very basic primary school classroom to the city and further on between countries. Self-interest seems to paint every other human sentiment with a colour which make it hard to identify anything besides a paranoid fear of being victimised. And as the wise Yoda spoke, "Fear leads to hate, hate leads to anger, anger leads to pain", it is but for us lesser mortals to fall into this vicious circle over and over again only to wishfully desire that next time round we might have learnt enough to Live and let Live.

1 people had to say:

Anonymous Anonymous said so...

I came across your blog and found myself thinking abt this unrelenting world(which never seemed so before), about the numerous times..i took the highway..coz my way is not their way..but this vicious circle is not the only one..and many a times if u r able to fall out get entangled in some other

9:04 PM, December 06, 2005  

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