Friday, March 09, 2007

Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying.....

Once in every lifetime of probably every person out there comes a time when he or she decides upon something which sets the wheel turning for something totally new. I know it's not really the case with most of the individuals. People these days are much more into the "safety" aspect. They're not married but they behave as if they need to save for an ever-demanding family, they're not happy but they'd rather stay the line, for it's surely going to keep the money coming in, and a bunch of other behavioural patterns you can club in (and I'd rather not talk about). I still believe the whole thing's not just about the money, but possibly about weak-will and misdirection. We are what we are not because we decided to stay the line, but because we decided to venture out. It's all about the starting point and once that is established the rest is for all to see.
You see, such a point is almost around the corner for me. Today after nearly 3 long years I've decided to let go of the company I work for. Now the forces which compelled me are few and far between, ranging from the quality of work to Andy Dufresne of Shawshank Redemption. The vastness of the factors often makes me wonder if I'm just a plain-bickering-bone-head out to make an issue out of anything that doesn't seem to go down too well with me. I guess that would be a ridiculous line of thought. It hardly ever pays to be overtly self critical. However, it's not the reasons, which compelled me to leave the company, that seem to be of interest. Rather, it is the company for which I leave this "conglomerate" for. I am doing so for a company which hasn't yet managed to get its first earnings in place. It's a company where there are only 3 people working and I'll be the fourth one. It's a move which till date has met with only disapproval from everyone I've chosen to discuss with, leaving aside a certain Alice in Wonderland. Inspite of all, I still believe this would be a much better experience for me in the next year or so, than just sticking the line with my current one. And for a change, I'm doing it for "just myself". Jeez, it's been ages since I got this scared-elated mish-mash of a feeling. Possibly back when I was taking the field against a team full of over-grown over-age brawny buffoons in a match of football.
This should be interesting. This should be different!