Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Is Anybody Listening?

I guess no . This is an unrelenting World. That girl/boy you last took for a friend couldn't possibly care any less as long as you don't come plodding into their lives at your own beck and call (Do some introspection and maybe you think much the same barring a few exceptions you'd make). And when the realisation hits you finally (as if it hadn't made itself conspicuous enough already), you shall feel all so weak at your knees. Oh the traitors, the scavengers who shredded your soul and walked away without even turning once! When o' when shall it be?! ... and when shalt you haveth the peace you always thought was at an arms reach.

Hmmm... cynical me. Well it does feel good to vomit out all the caustic stuff, once in a while. Atleast the medium I choose to do so has a certain amount of anonymous dignity.

As for now I can't quite figure out what's with this self-motivation-getting-vapourized syndrome I seem to be exhibiting. Hehe, can't help but to recall this line I heard somewhere recently, "It's time to prove your friends that you're worth a damn. Sometimes it means killing yourself and sometimes it means killing a whole lot of people". Oh yes, maybe in as much as I want to deny it, I am trying to prove myself. This is weird (and certainly not helpful), as I know all this shit deal I'm trying to pull off for myself and somehow I still haven't got much of an energy left to counter it with a more meaningful eventuality. Heh, I kind of did the dumbest thing I guess. Oh yeah, I am not the only one doing so. Everyone around is in much the same situation. Just that they all seem to have drawn out some semblance of balance (which elludes/least interests me).

This is not superiority but something quite on the contrary. However, I still prefer it this way. Though perhaps, this drifting existence shall find a more meaningful purpose in good time to come. Until then, I'd better just wait it out.

This isn't the bar room brawl! These are the bad days, the all and nothing days, and you're back!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

An Ode to Joy

And so another weekend comes to an end. Must admit today being a tuesday, it's rather late to realise the end of a weekend. But then, this wasn't one of the usuals. And frankly speaking, a weeekend for me is the state of mind wherein I know that I dont have to wake up next morning for office and I could just laze around and not-do anything of much significance (Not that I do otherwise anyhow ;)). This weekend two of my best friends (I prefer referring to them as brothers though), dropped into my city to spend some much needed quality time with the not-so stable brother of theirs.
And today only, when asked as to what all we did, I couldn't think of anything we did except "nothing". It feels so good these days to simply drift through the hours of a day and not have much of a recollection, except for a blurred acknowledgement of events which might/must have happened.
So that was what it was, a span of three days spent amongst individuals who could really elevate my sense of existence. Unfortunately, our trip down to the pub wasn't fruitful(the pub being full :(), however simple acts of strolling down roads smoking cigarettes, telling tales of our lives in general, watching movies, were in themselves as wonderful as wonderful could be.
At this point I would like to digress. Watched the movies Red Eye and Sin City. The former being what could be expected of a decent Hollywood action flick while the latter was a class in itself. A must watch for slick-flicks.
With that came the end of the weekend. A weekend which ended on Monday.